
Quote of the Week

“If you’ve told a child a thousand times, and the child still has not learned, then it is not the child who is a slow learner.”

-Walter Barbie

Hey there! I’m Leia Meadows, a high schooled homeschooler. I’m writing this blog to help those new to homeschooling or looking into homeschooling understand better what homeschooling is like from the point of view of a homeschool student.

“Never underestimate the power of the page.”

Shannon Messenger

Latest Posts

Authors Exposed

            Hey there! Last week, around Wednesday, I got inspiration for a poem and decided that I would post it once I was done. However, as you can clearly see, I did not end up posting it, but I thought that my reasons as to why could make for an interesting post.             As a…


Hey there! I am finally writing that post on procrastination I’ve been planning on writing for months now. If you’ve been following my blog long, or know me in person, then you probably already know that procrastination is something I struggle with. I’ve struggled with it for years, but it didn’t have too much impact…

Power of Reminders

Hey there! So, this week I was finally going to post the procrastination post I’ve been wanting to write for months now. (I fully see the irony of me procrastinating on writing a post on procrastination.) But then a reminder popped up on my phone. It was one I had completely forgot setting back in…

“A classroom doesn’t need to have four walls.”
